Meaningful Impact program
Our primary goal is to make meaningful impact on individual lives. One of the ways we do this is to fund crucial health care support to those who need it. We have funded adaptive equipment, cancer treatments, and expensive medications. Going forward we also strive to be a source of assistance for those in need of crisis relief of short-term needs stemming from severe accidents.
“In the past, my brother had to be available to lift me into a truck if I wanted to help in the field, or scout crops, or visit with landowners. Now anyone can get me into any vehicle. This lift has given me much more freedom and increased the ways I can contribute to our farm business. Thanks to everyone at For Those Who Would!”
Aaron R

Health Care Assistance Grants program
Late in 2016, we began offering health care assistance grants through an application process. Generous support has come from community matching, which allowed us to increase the amount of grant money available. The first grant funded the purchase of virtual technology hardware that will be used to treat patients in a Veteran’s Hospital.
“These [Oculus Rift and controllers] will be used to provide pain management therapy for veterans experiencing phantom limb pain. They will also be used to assist with increasing range of motion, movement and improving quality of life for veterans on our rehab and hospice units. We are incredibly grateful and excited to be able to offer this to the men and women receiving treatment here.”
Jennifer N. Recreation Therapist Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital

By Those Who Can program
One of the reasons for founding For Those Who Would is so that other obstacle racing, adventure racing, and endurance athletes would have a charity for which they could compete and raise funds in honor of a cause personal to them. We have and will continue to be about supporting individuals because everything we do is personal. We are just embarking on this program and if you want a way to pay tribute to a special person in your life, contact us via email. You can also skip the formalities and simply click on the green “become a fundraiser “button below.

OCR Humanitarian Award
In addition to supporting individuals, as an organization we honor those individuals within our community who sacrifice their own time and efforts in improving the lives of others. Since our inception, we have presented the OCR Humanitarian Award sponsored by Mud Run Guide and the OCR World Championships. This highly competitive and selective award includes significant community input and is presented annually in October at the OCR World Championships. Previous winners are Jesse Bruce (2015) and Alan Ajoy (2016).
“I am so so so so humbled and honoured!!! I can’t believe it. Thank you so much! That’s what this sport is about – facing and overcoming all life’s obstacles and to give back to those still struggling.”
Jesse Bruce 2015 Award Recipient

Service Projects
As the opportunity arises, For Those Who Would, organizes volunteers for service events. One example of this was the design and operation of a “Challenge Day” for campers at the Cincinnati Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp. 15 volunteers from Kentucky and Ohio spent the day creating fun and interesting challenges that campers completed as they moved through the grounds.