To PurePower and Rose: Thank you!
There is no doubt that the obstacle racing community has some of the most passionate and caring people and organizations. We are very appreciative of what this community does to support us. Without them we could not do what we do. This week we were fortunate to receive a significant donation from PurePower, a performance supplement company (and more). There is a story behind this donation, just as there is a story about that company. PurePower sponsors some of the world’s most inspiring athletes who share the company’s visions toward health and wellness. It just so happens that two of their sponsored athletes are some of obstacle racing’s most well-known personalities, Rose Wetzel-Sinnett and Robert Killian. As part of their commitment to charitable causes, Pure Power held a fun little contest between Robert and Rose, with the winner’s charity of choice receiving a cash donation. We were honored when Rose informed us that she had selected us and by this point in the article it should not surprise you that she won the contest!! This just adds to her story. A story of always striving, of making friends, of helping others. Her story will not end here as she will undoubtedly continue to help people through her OCR stardom platform and we are happy to be a part of that story.
So, thank you Rose for thinking of us and thank you PurePower for the contribution! That donation will go into our healthcare grants fund and ultimately make meaningful impact on someone who is dealing with the unfortunate circumstances of chronic disease or critical injury.